Patient Care

Our patients are very valuable to us and nothing is more important than rendering our best services to them at Dr. Bidani’s. The views and experiences of our patients are fundamental for us in shaping and delivering the best of health services. To achieve this end successfully, we have an efficient support team, which is always proactive in helping our patients at every stage and is always ready to assist the patients with their treatment queries – whether personally at the clinics, on telephone, via email or chat.


At Dr. Bidani’s Centre for Homoeopathy, we place the highest priority on a patient’s right to privacy. Many people don’t want anyone to know that they have been to our clinic, so the services we provide are confidential. Your personal details are recorded in our notes and on a computer system. Only the Doctors on panel and not even our staff can access this information.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

The following list of patient rights is not intended to be all inclusive. Every patient has the right to:

  • Be treated with dignity and respect
  • Privacy and confidentiality concerning their medical care – the patient has the right to be advised as to the reason for the presence of any individual directly involved or observing their care
  • Have their questions, concerns or complaints addressed in good faith
  • Be provided with complete information about their diagnosis, indications for tests and procedures, treatment and alternatives, prognosis, and both normal and abnormal test results. Such communication will be in a timely manner.
  • Make choices and decisions regarding their medical care to the extent permitted by law – this includes the right to refuse treatment
  • Receive, on request, information about fees and charges, and receive an explanation of their bill, regardless of source of payment


What is the patient’s role?

The care a patient receives depends partially on the patient himself. Therefore, in addition to these rights, a patient has certain responsibilities as well. These responsibilities shall be presented to the patient in the spirit of mutual trust and respect. 

The patient has the responsibility to:

  • Provide accurate and complete information concerning his/her present complaints, past medical history, and other matters relating to his/her health
  • Make it known whether he/she clearly comprehends the course of his/her medical treatment and what is expected of him/her
  • Follow the treatment plan established by his/her physician
  • Accept responsibility for his/her actions should he/she refuse treatment or not follow his/her physician’s orders

Open Communication and Observation

While it is the homoeopath’s job to elicit relevant information by asking probing questions, the patient can expect a higher chance of receiving an effective homoeopathic remedy if he or she is open and truthful in describing their physical and psychological symptoms. It is also important to be observant of the changes taking place in your system, To that end, you might want to keep a journal or notes on any noticeable changes in your symptoms or health.

One Comment to "Patient Care"

  1. Jahnavi Raparti says:

    Respected Sir,
    I am a first year medical student in hyderabad.i have been suffering from a small white patch on my left elbow. On consulting a dermatologist,it has been diagnosed as vitellago. As a medical student, i know the future problems it causes on further spreading. The treatment given by him was an ointment with exposure to sun everyday. But there is no improvement. I came across an article wgere people have mentioned your name sir. I desperately need help,so if you could prescribe any medicine it would be helpful. I know its not an ettiquite way to put this all in an email or comment.. but i dont have another option
    Pardon me for any mistakes
    Thank you

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