Renal Failure


Renal failure or kidney failure is a situation in which the kidneys fail to function adequately. It is divided in acute and chronic forms; either form may be due to a large number of other medical problems.

Biochemically, it is typically detected by an elevated serum creatinine and blood urea levels. In the science of physiology, renal failure is described as a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate.

 Renal Failure - Before Treatment

 Renal Failure - After Treatment



Serum Creatinine: 6.4 mg/dl

Serum Creatinine: 1.04 mg/dl

Blood Urea Level: 134 mg/dl

Blood Urea Level: 49 mg/dl






Serum Creatinine: 3.8 mg/dl
 Serum Creatinine: 1.2 mg/dl

Blood Urea Level: 159 mg/dl

 Blood Urea Level: 45.4 mg/dl




 Serum Creatinine: 8.6 mg/dl

 Serum Creatinine:3.7 mg/dl
 Blood Urea Level: 197 mg/dl   Blood Urea Level: 100mg/dl
 Serum Uric Acid: 8.0 mg/dl

 Serum Uric Acid: 5.2 mg/dl

One Comment to "Renal Failure"

  1. Jatinder Seigell says:

    “I am under his treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease and am fully satisfied with the treatment. Allopathic doctors had no answer for my problem. I wish him the best in life and pray he continues doing great service in healing patients in distress.”

    J.K. Seigell
    Gurgaon, India
    Mob: 9953198050

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