Trigeminal Neuralgia
Are you overwhelmed by facial pain at a slightest touch to your face or while brushing your teeth or shaving? This facial pain is a Neuropathic ailment called Trigeminal Neuralgia, an awful soreness of the trigeminal nerve in the head.
Trigeminal neuralgia is a disorder of the 5th cranial nerve known as the trigeminal nerve. The nerve has 3 branches and pain can radiate, usually unilaterally, along any one or more branches.
The pain is usually sporadic and sudden. It is characterized by stabbing, electric-shock like pain of the face and may involve the jaws, lips, cheeks, nose, eyes and forehead. The pain may last for a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Milder expression of the disease results in a dull aching or burning pain with occasional electric-shock like pains.
Age: Usually after 50. Rarely affects children as well
Provoking factors: Slight breeze, brushing, shaving, chewing, applying makeup, dental fillings or procedures, light touch, etc
Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia:
- Genetic due an inborn pattern of blood vessel formation.
- A blood vessel pressing on the Trigeminal nerve.
- Nerve impairment following a trauma.
- Tongue piercing.
- Post viral infections like Herpes.
- Post bacterial infections like Leptospirosis, Syphilis, etc.
- Disorders like Multiple Sclerosis that damage the myelin sheath (nerve covering which serves as an insulator).
- Stroke impacting lower part of the brain.
- Compression of the nerve by a Tumor or cyst.
- Enduring stress.
- Habitual intoxication from alcohol, lead and other drugs.
- Brushing teeth, kissing, eating, drinking, smiling, crying, talking, putting makeup, shaving, washing the face, slight breeze, dental work can stimulate the pain.
Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia:
- Piercing, electric, shooting, burning pain over one side of the jaw or cheek.
- Numbness and tingling sensation over the face.
- Face is very sensitive to touch during pain.
- Headaches feeling like a migraine.
- Restlessness from pain.
- Sleeplessness from pain.
- Difficulty in chewing the food.
- Loss of Appetite.
- Weight loss.
- Dryness of mouth due to lowered secretion of saliva.
- Dryness of eyes due to lowered lachrymal secretions.
The conventional treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia is partially effective. One always needs a supplementary or alternative treatment which is best offered by homoeopathy. Homoeopathic treatment has proved effective and has shown an overwhelming response in the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Homoeopathy views Trigeminal Neuralgia as a constitutional disease, and every patient is evaluated as an individual case and treated at a deeper level. Homoeopathic medicines help minimize the frequency and severity of Trigeminal Neuralgia attacks, eventually leading to a remission.
Most individuals treated at our centres experienced:
- A significant reduction in the neuralgic episodes with marked reduction in pain.
- Long duration of TN-free period (over 3-6 months) could be achieved in most patients during the course of the treatment.
- During the course of our Homeopathic treatment patients were requested to resort to pain killers and other prescribed drugs only if the pain was unbearable. Prescription drugs not having any beneficial results were asked to be stopped.
- The treatment has no side effects or drug interactions and is safe with all other modes of treatment.
(Note: Extent and nature of benefits of treatment varies among individuals and has been gathered from patients themselves & past clinical records)
We at Dr. Bidani’s Centre for Homoeopathy have treated number of patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia and you can see how much satisfied are the patients with us in the below mentioned link.
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Thank you for your kind arrangement.
-Panidhan P. (Uttam, an Indian by birth).