Treatment for low sperm count : Oligospermia

Treatment for low sperm count in homeopathy.

The scientific term for low sperm count is oligospermia and it is the commonest cause of infertility in the man.


The diagnosis of oligospermia is based on one low count in a semen analysis performed on two occasions. For many decades sperm concentrations of less than 20 million sperm/ml were considered low or oligospermic, recently, however, the WHO reassessed sperm criteria and established a lower reference point, less than 15 million sperm/ml, consistent with the 5th percentile for fertile men. Sperm concentrations fluctuate and oligospermia may be temporary or permanent.

Many infertile men are obsessed about their low sperm count – and this seems to become the central concern in their lives. Remember that the real question the man with a fertility problem is asking is not: What is my sperm count or what is my motility ? But – are my sperm capable of working or not? Can I have a baby with my sperm?

What about the answer to the million dollar question: — Why do I have a low sperm count? Unfortunately, nine times out of ten, the doctor will not be able to answer that question, and no amount of testing will help us to find out – this is labelled as “idiopathic oligospermia” which is really a wastepaper basket diagnosis for “god only knows!”.

The major cause of male infertility usually is a sperm problem. However, do remember that this is no reflection on your libido or sexual prowess. Sometimes men with testicular failure find this difficult to understand (but doctor, I have sex twice a day! How can my sperm count be zero?). The reason for this is that the testis has two compartments. One compartment, the seminiferous tubules, produces sperms. The other compartment, the “interstitium” or the tissue in between the tubules (where the Leydig cells are) produces the male sex hormone, testosterone, which causes the male sexual drive. Now while the tubules can be easily damaged, the Leydig cells are much more resistant to damage, and will continue functioning normally in most patients with testicular failure. This is why the diagnosis of a low sperm count can be such a blow to one’s ego — it is so totally unexpected, because it is not associated with other symptoms or signs. Men react differently – but common feelings include anger with the wife and the doctor; resentfulness about having to participate in infertility testing and treatment since they feel having babies is the woman’s “job”; loss of self-esteem; and temporary sexual dysfunction such as loss of desire and poor erections. Many men also feel very guilty that because of “their” medical problem, they are depriving their wife the pleasures of experiencing motherhood. Unfortunately, social support for the infertile man is practically non-existent, and he is forced to put up a brave front and show that he doesn’t care. Since he is a man, he is not allowed to display his emotions. He is expected to provide a shoulder for his wife to cry on – but he needs to learn to cry alone. However, remember that the urge for fatherhood can be biologically as strong as the urge for motherhood.

Homoeopathic medicines are found to be most effective therapy in treatment of Low Sperm Count, Low Sperm Motility, Low Sperm Volume, Abnormal Sperm cell Morphology, Delayed Seminal Liquefaction, Semen Viscosity, Anti Sperm Antibody and combination of the any of the disorder either Endocrine or  Urology or of both.


See our Results: 



Before Treatment 

After Treatment 

Sperm Count: 10.6 millions/ml

Sperm Count: 56.4 millions/ml

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