Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders


The kidneys, a pair of bean-shaped organs, are located at the bottom of the ribcage in the right and left sides of the back. The kidneys are organs that serve several essential regulatory roles. They are essential in the urinary system and also serve homeostatic functions such as the regulation of electrolytes, maintenance of acid–base balance, and regulation of blood pressure (via maintaining salt and water balance). They serve the body as a natural filter of the blood, and remove wastes which are diverted to the urinary bladder. In producing urine, the kidneys excrete wastes such as urea and ammonium, and they are also responsible for the reabsorption of water, glucose, and amino acids. The kidneys also produce hormones including calcitriol, erythropoietin, and the enzyme renin.

Diseases and conditions affecting the kidney

Kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death. Any diseases that affect the blood vessels, including diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis, can impair the kidney’s ability to filter blood and regulate fluids in the body. Disease and infection in other parts of the body can also trigger a kidney disorder. Because kidney impairment can be life-threatening, disorders and diseases that may affect the kidney deserve prompt attention. Kidney disease often causes no symptoms until late in its course and can lead to end-stage kidney failure.

There are more than 100 disorders, diseases, and conditions that can lead to progressive destruction of the kidneys. Some of the more common problems are described here. Warning signs that should not be ignored are also listed.

The urinary tract can become blocked, or obstructed (for example, from a kidney stone, tumor, expanding uterus during pregnancy, or enlarged prostate gland). The buildup of urine can lead to infection and injury of the kidney. With a kidney stone, often the blockage is painful. Other obstructions may produce no symptoms and be detected only when a blood or urine test is abnormal or an imaging procedure, such as an x-ray or ultrasound, detects it.

Urinary tract infections, such as cystitis (an infection of the bladder), can lead to more serious infections further up the urinary tract. Symptoms include fever, frequent urination, sudden and urgent need to urinate, and pain or a burning feeling during urination. There is often pressure or pain in the lower abdomen or back. Sometimes the urine has a strong or foul odor or is bloody. Pyelonephritis is an infection of kidney tissue; most often, it is the result of cystitis that has spread to the kidney. An obstruction in the urinary tract can make a kidney infection more likely. I

Glomerular diseases (also called nephritis or nephrotic syndrome): 
Glomerular diseases are those that attack the blood filtering units of the kidneys. Diabetes and hypertension can lead to glomerular disease. Diseases of this type cause more cases of chronic kidney failure than any other cause.

Role of Homoeopathy
Homoeopathy does not recognise kidneys as a mere organ of excretion or selective filtration but always recognises it in relation to the individual as a whole. Kidneys have a generalised function–the fluids coming to it and going from it influence every organ, tissue and cell of our body. Kidney function influences the complete vital economy of our body. Homoeopathy plays a significant role in long term management at all stages and variants of kidney disorders. The basic approach in Homoeopathy is to evaluate the disease in its totality, whereby a lot of highlight is given to the patient as a whole besides thoroughly studying various aspects of the disorder. Homoeopathic remedies help arrest further progress of the disease and assist in recuperating faster, reduce and eventually stop the need for steroids, reduce duration, frequency and severity of the attacks by regulating the autoimmune processes. The remedies manage the protein leakage, by amending the glomerular function of the Kidney. Homoeopathic remedies when taken in the preliminary stage of kidney diseases can prevent complications like renal failure, consequently, limiting the option for dialysis or transplant. In instances, where Kidney damage has advanced, Homoeopathy discourages further progression of the syndrome, and will contribute in reducing the frequency of dialysis, or at times, even eliminate the need for dialysis.

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