Contact Us

Our patients are very valuable to us and nothing is more important than rendering our best services to them. Should you need any assistance at any stage, you can reach us at:

Centre Address:

12-N, Model Town Market,

Near Pathak-paksh Newspaper’s office,

Hisar – 125005 Haryana. India

For Appointments: +91 9034040991


Sub-Centre Address:

DSB – 199, Red Square Market,

Hisar – 125001 Haryana. India

For Appointments: +91 9034040991


Mobile Number:

+91 9034040991


4 Comments to "Contact Us"

  1. jose miguel dos santos cahanda says:

    Dear Dr. Bidani,

    I am 42 years old and I was diagnosticated as azoopermia, I alredy meet urlogist that said the my case has not solution, I would like to know from you wether you have any solution studied about azoospermia.

    I live in Angola

    I wait any reply from you

    Best regards
    Jose Cahanda

  2. Mimi says:

    Do you treat children? My son, 13, has been seeing a homeopath here for a year now with no success yet. I was reading an article of yours about nosodes and they seem very promising. My daughter is using one, carsinocin, and it seems to be a great match for her does that mean that maybe her brother too would do well with it? He suffers from ocd, tics, etc. thank you for your help.

  3. Lilia Fuentes says:

    I would like to make an appointment for my daughter.
    She is 19 years old and her doctor diagnosed psoriasis.
    she has bald spots in her scalp. It is getting worst.
    How soon can we talk to you?

  4. I am male 0f 73 years. Weight 65 kgs. Ht. 5.4. I am suffering from chronic insomnia since last 30 years. This happened from the day I stopped consumption of alcohol suddenly and totally till today. I have tried various kinds of exercises and medications both allopathy and homeopathy. I feel more comfortable with homeopathy medicines but I never get sleep before 3 A.M every day. My last prescription is Medorrhinum 200 only one single dose (5 drops)which I have still not yet started with and need your help and guidance. Regards

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